Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why Circumcision?


Yours in Truth, Love & Life,

Ambassadors of Yeshua HaMashiach, Founders of Truths Revealed Ministries, a ministry devoted to healing and truth from the Word of Adonai Elohim (a.k.a. the Bible). We really appreciate all the feedback. Please let us know if you believe we have proof-texted, because this is never our intention. For more information about us please check out the links below:

Copyright 2007-2009. Truths Revealed Ministries. Home. Young Living OC, "An Organization Devoted to Freedom".

All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Spiritual Healing: Jesus Christ in the Flesh

by Jim Lynn

Does Jesus Christ live in heaven today in the flesh as a man? And if so, how does His living in the flesh relate to the physical reality of spiritual healing today?

Christians live in faith that Jesus Christ is the Word that became a human being (John1:1,14). We believe that just as death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead also comes through a man (I Corinthians 15:21) ...Jesus Christ.

As the Son of God, Jesus many times referred to himself as being "The son of man." We intellectually understand Jesus as being both man and God, but do we really grasp its full implication?

Jesus Christ Lives in the Flesh:

II John 7 speaks of Jesus "as coming" in the flesh. The word in Greek, erchomai (pronounced er'-khom-ahee), is in the middle voice of a primary verb written in present tense. I Timothy 2:5 speaks of Jesus as being "the man" who is our mediator. The word in Greek, anthropos (pronounced anth'-ro-pos), is written in present tense form.

When Jesus ascended into heaven, Angels told those witnessing the event that this same Jesus will "come back in the same way" they saw Him leave. How did they see Him leave? As a man!

What all of these verses say is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God and son of man, is alive in the flesh in heaven as "the man" Paul tells us He is.

When we read John's Gospel account we learn "The Word became flesh." (John 1:14).The original language transliterated reads, "The Word flesh was made." The Greek word for "was made," ginomai (pronounced ghin'-om-ahee), is a prolongation and middle voice form of a primary verb; to cause to be or to become.

In other words, When God became man, it was for eternity. He did not merely take on a human form as a temporary act, but rather fused his being to human flesh forever (Colossians 2:9) God incarnate!

Side Note: The Question of Flesh and Blood

I Corinthians 15:51 states that "flesh and blood" cannot inherit the kingdom of God. The term, "flesh and blood" has caused many Christians to incorrectly interpret "flesh and blood" as substance (man’s body) rather than a state of being.

The term “flesh and blood” is used frequently throughout Scripture. It is an old Jewish expression that refers to man as he is now: weak, frail, and subject to corruption, sin, decay, and death. Used in I Corinthians 15, it is not the substance (the physical body) that Paul has in mind but rather what “flesh and blood” represent.

A few biblical examples of "flesh and blood" to illustrate what "flesh and blood represent are Matthew 16:17 and Galatians 1:15-16. The word "man" in both verses is translated from the original term "flesh and blood." In other words, it was not from the lips of corruptible flesh that revealed this knowledge to the Apostles, Peter and Paul. Again, the term was commonly used as an expression of man as he now is.

Jesus Christ is continually in the flesh, just as man's flesh will be in the resurrection. Our flesh will be changed (not exchanged - I Corinthians 15:51) in the resurrection, and our body will become as His flesh is...glorified, incorruptible and immortal.

Paul says that this teaching is at the very core of the Gospel (I Corinthians 15:1-4, 12) and basic to our Christian faith.

By His Stripes We Are Healed:

Many of our brethren in Christ say that God no longer works healing miracles. They say that these things passed away with the completion of God's Holy Word. But by saying so many Christians unwittingly dismiss the suffering of Jesus' body as meaningless. Why?

Isaiah tells us that He (Jesus) took up all of man's sickness, disease and physical ailments (Isaiah 53:4) and that by His wounds (in the flesh) we are healed (Isaiah 53:5) - Not just for a brief time in history, but from the beginning of time for all eternity.

The Apostle Peter also tells us that by His stripes we have been healed (I Peter 2:24). It wasn't just our sins He carried on the Cross, His body bore all of man's sickness and diseases. Our sins are forgiven through His shed blood (Hebrews 9:22). Healing is made possible by His stripes (Psalm 103:3; I Peter 2:24).

Peter tells us that God considers our fleshly body vital to our existence as a human being. For man cannot be a human being without his body, spirit and soul all dwelling together (Genesis 2:7). Why else would God go through all the agony He did? Do we not think that if there were another less painful way for man's salvation (healing the whole of man) that God would have chosen it?

That we do not heal in body when asked to be healed should tell us that we are missing something, not that divine healing no longer exists. David tells us it is sin in our lives that keeps our body imprisoned with physical suffering (Psalm 38:3-8). James tells us the same thing (James 5:14-16). And Paul tells us that we remain sick because we do not rightly discern the body of Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 11:29-30).

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He lives for your healing. Were He to leave his body, there could be no healing of any kind (Romans 11:36; Colossians 1:15-18).

Our responsibility now is to purge our lives as best we can of the sin which prevents our healing. Fear, anxiety, anger, worry are all of Satan, not of God (I John 4:18). For God empowers us with the might of His powerful Word to drive out fear.

May God be praised forever. End.

You have permission to reprint and/or publish this article, provide you include the original article as above and include the author's bio information below.

Jim Lynn is the publisher of God's Healing Word, a free newsletter, and author of the book, "The Miracle of Healing in Your Church Today." Visit:

Yours in Truth, Love & Life,

Ambassadors of Yeshua HaMashiach, Founders of Truths Revealed Ministries, a ministry devoted to healing and truth from the Word of Adonai Elohim (a.k.a. the Bible). We really appreciate all the feedback. Please let us know if you believe we have proof-texted, because this is never our intention. For more information about us please check out the links below:

Copyright 2007-2009. Truths Revealed Ministries. Home. Young Living OC, "An Organization Devoted to Freedom".

All rights reserved.

Erroneous Translations

Coming Soon...

Yours in Truth, Love & Life,

Ambassadors of Yeshua HaMashiach, Founders of Truths Revealed Ministries, a ministry devoted to healing and truth from the Word of Adonai Elohim (a.k.a. the Bible). We really appreciate all the feedback. Please let us know if you believe we have proof-texted, because this is never our intention. For more information about us please check out the links below:

Copyright 2007-2009. Truths Revealed Ministries. Home. Young Living OC, "An Organization Devoted to Freedom".

All rights reserved.

If I Were Satan

If you were Satan and your goal is to destroy as many lives as you could, what are the two institutions you could attack that would destroy more lives than wars and natural disasters combined? Here's what I would do:

Phase One: Medicine

If I were Satan, I would capture the medical industry and make it mine. For what other of man's institutions could potentially inflict more harm?

I would infiltrate medical colleges and teach students to treat disease symptoms, rather then teach them how to heal the sick.

I would teach medical students that chronic disease is the result of natural manifestation, and disclaim any correlation between disease and one's spiritual state of being.

I would create chemical drugs with lethal side effects, and tell medical students they must use only my drugs to treat their patients disease symptoms. I would tell students that natural substances can be harmful to the body and should not be used or trusted for treatment of the sick.

I would find greedy men who could care less about the well-being of people, and set up a drug enterprise designed to keep sick people sick. I would advertise my drugs on TV so people will ask their doctors to prescribe them.

I would take natural body conditions like pregnancy, acid reflux, hormonal imbalance, sinus infections, high blood pressure, digestive disorders, osteoporosis, diabetes and make them a disease. That way, I could find more uses for my drugs.

I would be clever when using medical terms, so people will begin to believe their body cannot be trusted. I would use terms like, heart attack, spastic colon, and kidney failure.

Next I would mislead patients into believing they have a disease discovered through diagnosis; when in truth all they received is a specific diagnosis with a name. This will make it sound like the doctor has found a disease, and people can be "diagnosed" just in time to take a new drug of mine for the rest of their life.

Next I would use man's government to protect my medical interests and drug industry. I would set up a Food and Drug Administration, and use it to deny citizens any form of real healing. I would use this FDA to my advantage by making it unlawful for anyone to make health claims without scientific proof. Of course, I would also control the researchers, and medical doctors who publish results of research, so results are kept in my favor.

I would refuse my agents to investigate any claims that suggest a correlation between vaccines and disease and death rates.

Phase Two: Church

If I were Satan, I would fill pulpits in churches with pastors who teach that God no longer heals the sick like people read about in the Bible. I would have these pastors teach that healing must be instantaneous to be called a miracle.

I would disguise the original meanings of the words "heal," and "save" recorded in the Bible, so their full, true meaning and application is not understood.

I would put fear of persecution and public ridicule in the hearts of church leaders were they to teach that God actively intervenes in this physical world.

In this way I can deny God's glory of healing by those who bear the mark of His Spirit and wear the name of His Son.

Over time, there will be very little knowledgeable and effective spiritual resistance to my induced sicknesses and disease. People will come to put more faith in medical knowledge than in the God of knowledge.

In this way, I can kill many millions of people because most people are raised up to respect the word and advise of medical doctors and preachers.

If I were Satan and wanted to destroy as many lives as I could, this is what I would do and how I would do it.

Jim Lynn is author of "The Miracle of Healing In Your Church Today", and publisher of God's Healing Word Today,

Yours in Truth, Love & Life,

Ambassadors of Yeshua HaMashiach, Founders of Truths Revealed Ministries, a ministry devoted to healing and truth from the Word of Adonai Elohim (a.k.a. the Bible). We really appreciate all the feedback. Please let us know if you believe we have proof-texted, because this is never our intention. For more information about us please check out the links below:

Copyright 2007-2009. Truths Revealed Ministries. Home. Young Living OC, "An Organization Devoted to Freedom".

All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Would God Eat Organic Food!?

1 Timothy 4:3 (NIV) in Context

3They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth.

Acts 10:12-15 (NIV) in Context

12It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles of the earth and birds of the air. 13Then a voice told him, "Get up, Peter. Kill and eat."

14"Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."

15The voice spoke to him a second time, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."

Romans 14:20-21 (NIV) in Context

20Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. 21It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall.

I must admit this has been very hard for me to rap my head around, because of the passages of Scripture referenced above. I have heard pastures site these verses as a sort of justification to eat what ever you want, and not to worry about the consequences. This has troubled me to the point of writing this article. I have spent a lot of time looking to clarify this apathetic view of what scripture says we should and should not be eating. I feel like there is a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation being spread out there about what the proper food is to eat according to the Bible, by many people, including church leaders.

By proof texting 1 Timothy one might come to believe that anyone preaching to eat an "Organic Diet" is one of these hypocritical liars mentioned by the author of this Pastoral Epistle. Which, by the way, authorship has been in debate for quite some time now. Trust me I am telling you the truth, even if this Epistle is God-Breathed, in no way does it imply that people who chose to eat a healthier diet consisting of whole Organic foods that nourish the temple of God, their bodies (1 Corinthians 6:12-20), are false teachers and/or demons. Beware of church leaders who tell you it's okay to gorge yourself with synthetic man made highly processed foods. Why!? Because I am certain that God wants all his children to live long, healthy, abundant lives, and if you don't believe this maybe we're not serving the same God. The Bible warns us, not to put our faith in man (Isaiah 2:22). Therefore, since conventional farming methods are the result of human wisdom from the last 200 years, what do you think the Bible has to say about us humans thinking we no more then YHWH? Read 1 Corinthians 3:19-20; Proverbs 21:2 to find out.

You may have also heard someone site from Acts chapter 10, where a voice tells Peter, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." A proof texter would choose to focus on this one statement, ignoring the fact that Peter was on his way to meet with a man by the name of Cornelius, a devout man who feared God. Cornelius was accustomed to eating all kinds of creatures, not allowed according to Jewish law, so the Lord tells Peter in this vision that he can eat what is given him. The point is... that everything made by GOD is clean, I can assure you this doesn't include animals pumped full of hormones to increase size and milk production, or food sprayed with herbicides, pesticides & other dangerous chemicals, all in the interest of the for profit CORPORATE MACHINE, you know what God has to say about serving two masters, if not click the last link in this sentence.

Another verse I sited above was Romans chapter 14. Here is a great example of instructions given to not judge someone based on which of God's foods they choose to eat. We shouldn't judge each other for being vegans, vegetarians, or for being meat eaters. In the time this letter was written, over 1500 years ago, there weren't any chemicals to be worried about. Unfortunately, this is not the case any longer, so ask yourself...if God came to your house for dinner, would you feed him food grown by his design, or that of imperfect, greedy, self serving human beings?

My personal opinion for the support of my "Organic Diet" is quite simple. Conventional farming employs the use of "CHEMICALS" to speed up the harvest of God, the Creator of everything, yes he even set the time for the harvest!!! And since man thinks he is smarter then & that he can do things better then God, he will come to ruin (Proverbs 14:29). Proverb 3:5-6pretty much sums it up for me. Many that read this article will probably be offended, if so, you should probably realize that I am not here to make you feel warm and fuzzy, and neither was our Lord (Matthew 10:34-39; Luke 12:50-53). To learn more about Gentiles & Christians who subscribe to this type of lifestyle please visit this site (

Recommended sites that support this view:

  2. Organic Consumer Association
  3. Green Earth

Yours in Truth, Love & Life,

Ambassadors of Yeshua HaMashiach, Founders of Truths Revealed Ministries, a ministry devoted to healing and truth from the Word of Adonai Elohim (a.k.a. the Bible). We really appreciate all the feedback. Please let us know if you believe we have proof-texted, because this is never our intention. For more information about us please check out the links below:

Copyright 2007-2009. Truths Revealed Ministries. Home. Young Living OC, "An Organization Devoted to Freedom".

All rights reserved.

What Is The Truth!?


I have done a lot of thinking about this very thing. The question of what is the truth? The truth of God, of life and death, of our actions, thoughts and even our words. How can we figure out whether or not something is true and good. There are a few things that make this a very difficult thing for many of us to decipher, including myself. Where to start? I feel that the most appropriate place to start a conversation about this subject is with the Creator of all things, but first things first.

What if someone doesn't believe in the existence of God? There are many arguments for the existence of God. (Romans 1:18-32) Let's assume for the rest of this article that you believe in God of the Bible.

Now that we believe in God, let's get to know him...uhhhh, how are we supposed to do that!? I am sure you have heard of the Bible, the most published, translated book of all times. A book that has been used as a weapon by men looking to suppress the innocent & poor, to expand their own agendas for power and money. It's been used to fuel the ignorance of racism, fascism, & hatred. But it is unfair to pass judgment on someone or something, especially for misuse by FALLIBLE HUMANS, pushing their own asinine theologies. This is another reason we are told in Matthew 7:1-3 & Luke 6:36-38 not to judge others, because the actions of people are never perfect and as Christians we are to imitate Christ who came to save and not to judge (John 12:46-48).

Yours in Truth, Love & Life,

Ambassadors of Yeshua HaMashiach, Founders of Truths Revealed Ministries, a ministry devoted to healing and truth from the Word of Adonai Elohim (a.k.a. the Bible). We really appreciate all the feedback. Please let us know if you believe we have proof-texted, because this is never our intention. For more information about us please check out the links below:

Copyright 2007-2009. Truths Revealed Ministries. Home. Young Living OC, "An Organization Devoted to Freedom".

All rights reserved.

How Do I Recognize A Saint Today?

1 Corinthians 6:2 (NIV) in Context

2Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases?

Here I have compiled a list of certain characteristics, attributes, attitudes, & qualities to help you identify a saint, a.k.a. "Christian". The word saint(s) is found 68 times in the NIV translation of the Bible, and this word was used by the Apostle Paul to describe regular Christians. Here are the qualities to be shown by a Saint according to Galatians 5:22-23; 22,"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." 2 Peter 1:3-8 is another great example of more characteristics that should be displayed by the saints of today. Here are a few key points that I feel necessary to address:

Here I have compiled a list of a few things that don't necessarily make someone a saint, at least, not according to the Bible(But what does that matter...right!?):
  1. Just saying that you're a "Christian", doesn't make someone a saint, even though technically both words are one in the same: Matthew 7:21-23
  2. Someone who goes to church every Sunday: Colosians 2:6-15
  3. Performing miracles after death: No biblical reference, because...well this is not Biblical! Here is one to oppose the idea of religious doctrine: Mark 7:7-9

Yours in Truth, Love & Life,

Ambassadors of Yeshua HaMashiach, Founders of Truths Revealed Ministries, a ministry devoted to healing and truth from the Word of Adonai Elohim (a.k.a. the Bible). We really appreciate all the feedback. Please let us know if you believe we have proof-texted, because this is never our intention. For more information about us please check out the links below:

Copyright 2007-2009. Truths Revealed Ministries. Home. Young Living OC, "An Organization Devoted to Freedom".

All rights reserved.